
HEY! modern art & pop culture / Act III - Halle Saint-Pierre, Paris 18

Not easy to head to an art exhibition after seeing Banksy's Dismaland work and world...

Luckily for me, the nearest art centre to my place is a very special one: La Halle Saint Pierre has specialised in "outsider art" / "art brut" in French.

Exposition en cours
HEY! modern art & pop culture / Act III 
18/09/2015 — 13/03/2016
62 artistes internationaux
Mise en page 1
 Christopher Conn Askew, Carmelia, 2009.

Watch the teaser:


Plus d'infos, en français:

  • HEY! Act III - Exposition du 18 septembre 2015 au 13 mars 2016 - 62 artistes internationaux - La Halle St Pierre (Paris)
  • Long Description
    La revue HEY! modern art & pop culture fondée en 2010 par Anne & Julien est de retour à la Halle Saint Pierre, après deux premières éditions (2011 et 2013) accueillies avec enthousiasme par le public. Ce troisième volet, HEY! modern art & pop culture / Act III, poursuit l’exploration et la diffusion des différents expressions artistiques de la contre-culture : lowbrow art, art outsider, bande dessinée et plus largement les médias porteurs d’une culture de rue.

    La scène défendue depuis de nombreuses années par Anne & Julien est vivante, hétérogène, complexe : ses multiples courants ou territoires, allant de la forme la plus radicale - l’art brut - aux formes les plus savantes - le surréalisme pop - la font entrer de plein pied dans l’histoire de l’art contemporain.
    Ce sont ces caractéristiques qui aux yeux d’Anne & Julien donnent à cette scène sa valeur de modernité. L’engagement de ces deux activistes est d’en rendre compte à travers leur revue, leurs spectacles et les expositions. Ils ont ainsi permis la mise en lumière d’univers artistiques singuliers dont le dénominateur commun est la résistance par l’imaginaire : résistance aux normes, à la catégorisation, à l’institutionnel et aux impératifs de la mode. Ils sont les diffuseurs et les historiens d’une scène marginale, underground et alternative.

    Pour la Halle Saint Pierre, accompagner cette aventure est riche de sens. L’histoire des arts a toujours été marquée par de profonds changements de paradigmes. Dans le tournant géopolitique et culturel où se trouve le monde actuellement, les arts visuels eux aussi traversent une période de crise et de mutation.
    La trilogie HEY ! modern art & pop culture en est la manifestation.


La presse en parle :

Un art pétrifiant - Télérama 
Dans la vraie vie, Hervé Bohnert est boulanger pâtissier.
Hors norme, il pétrit aussi des oeuvres un rien macabres. Le voilà invité à l'expo «Hey!» à la Halle Saint Pierre.


L'art brut est un terme inventé par le peintre Jean Dubuffet pour désigner les productions de personnes exemptes de culture artistique. Il regroupa certaines de ces productions au sein d'une collection, la Collection de l'Art Brut à Lausanne.


The term 'outsider art' was coined by art critic Roger Cardinal in 1972 as an English synonym for art brut (French: [aʁ bʁyt], "raw art" or "rough art"), a label created by French artist Jean Dubuffet to describe art created outside the boundaries of official culture; Dubuffet focused particularly on art by those on the outside of the established art scene, such as psychiatric hospital patients and children.


Jeremy Corbyn quotes Nigerian writer Ben Okri and pays homage to Keir Hardie at Labour conference

Here is the quote:

"The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering".
Ben Okri

Labour has seen a significant membership surge since its leadership election

And he ended his speech by calling for:  

"a kinder politics, a more caring society".

Listen here:

Jeremy Corbyn: "Let us build a kinder politics, a more caring society together." #lab15


Read more about his inspirations in this Guardian article:

Who are the inspirational figures quoted by Jeremy Corbyn in his speech?

References to Maya Angelou, Ben Okri and James Keir Hardie give us an idea of the Labour leader’s intended message

Link to the article: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/sep/29/jeremy-corbyn-quote-maya-angelou-ben-okri-keir-hardie

From an American civil rights activist to a Nigerian novelist and the last bearded man to lead Labour, Jeremy Corbyn peppered his speech to the party conference on Tuesday with quotes from three key inspirational figures. Here’s what he quoted:
You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.
Corbyn took this quote from Maya Angelou’s third book of essays Letter to my Daughter. The remarks come in the opening comments of the book, which consists of 28 short essays and is dedicated to “the daughter [she] never had”. Angelou, who died in 2014 aged 86, became one of the most distinctive voices of black America, widely admired both as a civil rights activist, a friend of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, and as an author of prose, poetry and polemics. She had been a teenage single mother, and worked as a dancer, cook, night club singer and actor before she wrote her first and most famous memoir. I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings was an unforgettable account of a childhood in racially segregated Arkansas. She was awarded more than 50 honorary degrees by universities across the world, wrote and and delivered a poem for the inauguration of Bill Clinton as president, and was awarded the presidential medal of freedom by Barack Obama.

The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love.
This quote, from the Nigerian poet and novelist, Ben Okri, goes on in full to say “… and to be greater than our suffering”. Its origin is not easily identifiable but the proliferation of its use on inspiration quote sites such as brainyquote.com cements its popularity. Nigeria has inspired much of Okri’s work including his 1991 Booker-winning novel The Famished Road, and he is regarded as one of Africa’s leading writers. However, the writer born in 1959 was partly brought up and educated in England, coming first to London as an infant with his family, and returning to study literature at the University of Essex. He was awarded an OBE in 2001 and an honorary doctorate from Essex the following year. His work, which includes 10 novels and many collections of poetry, essays and short stories, is noted for the beauty and poetic intensity of his writing, and has been translated into 26 languages.

 Ben Okri, Nigerian novelist and poet. Photograph: Murdo Macleod for the Guardian


"My work has consisted of trying to stir up a divine discontent with wrong."

Here Corbyn turned to who he called “the last bearded man to lead Labour”, Keir Hardie, who held the party’s top position from 1906 to 1908. Various sources suggest Hardie delivered the soundbite around 1908, close to the time of his resignation. Corbyn chose to drop the words immediately preceding this quote: “I am an agitator.” Many have drawn comparisons between Corbyn and Hardie, who, as well as having a white beard, was similarily a vegetarian and a total abstainer from alcohol. Hardie wore a tweed suit instead of a black frock coat when elected an MP, and was born into a two-room cottage in North Lanarkshire in 1856. Formal schooling ended when he got his first job aged seven as a messenger boy, but he attended night school while working in a colliery and learned public speaking as an lay preacher. He became a miner’s leader, one of the founders and first elected leader of the Independent Labour party, a supporter of votes for women and on the outbreak of the first world war, an outspoken pacifist. In 2008, delegates at a Labour conference voted him Labour’s greatest hero, and Jeremy Corbyn was among the contributors to a new book on his relevance to 21st-century politics, What Would Keir Hardie Say?


This politician, Jeremy Corbyn is all I've been waiting for in politics and here he comes from the 2015 UK!! After the latest general elections in May, I could not expect such an inspirational outcome. But here it is indeed.

Bristol through Redland

Coming from Saint Pauls towards Gloucester Rd, I took a turn into Zedland Road and walk through Redland. Lovely walk on an Indian summer day!!

Love Bristol.

Local station

And Cotham Gardens

Up to Whiteladies Road

Regarding Dismaland and Calais

Calais's mayor denies having any contact with Banksy regarding Dismaland remains...

See her Tweets in French:

  1. L’artiste s’est dit prêt à envoyer aux migrants le bois utilisé dans son parc éphémère, qui a fermé ses portes hier.
  2. D’autre part, les déclarations de Bansky n’évoquent en aucun cas le déménagement de son parc Dismaland à Calais.
  3. La Ville de Calais n’a aucun contact, de quelque nature que ce soit, avec l’artiste.
  4. Suite à la parution d’un certain nombre d’articles sur Internet, il m’a paru important d’éclaircir les choses concernant l’artiste Bansky.


She adds the French government will have to respect its promises to help:

  1. Par conséquent, c’est à l’État que revient la gestion de ce type de situations.
  2. Par ailleurs, je rappelle que l’Etat s’est engagé à construire, d’ici janvier, une zone d’attente dont le fonctionnement serait encadré.
  3. Les déclarations, puis leurs interprétations, faites de manière superficielle peuvent conduire à des malentendus qui ne sont pas sans csq.
