Appel d'Amnesty :
Quand : 14.12.2016 au 14.12.2016
Où : Place Stravinsky, Rue Brisemiche, 75004 Paris
Rendez-vous à Paris sur la Place Stravinsky à côté du Centre Pompidou pour manifester votre solidarité avec les victimes d’Alep !
Venez habillés de rouge, ou avec un détail rouge (foulard, bonnet). Nous mettons à votre disponibilité des bougies.
A l’heure où les forces gouvernementales syriennes sont en train de prendre le contrôle de la quasi-totalité de l’Est de la ville d'Alep, des dizaines de milliers de civils doivent être protégés de toute urgence.
Les événements des dernières 24 heures indiquent que des civils vivant dans ces secteurs seraient victimes d’actes de représailles commis par les forces loyales au gouvernement syrien : détention arbitraire, torture, disparition forcée et exécutions extrajudiciaires. Le Haut-Commissariat de l’ONU (HCDH) aux droits de l’homme dénonce l’exécution d’au moins 82 civils, dont 11 femmes et 13 enfants, par les forces pro-gouvernementales.
« Nous avons été informés que des forces pro-gouvernementales ont pénétré dans des habitations et tué les civils qui s’y trouvaient, y compris les femmes et les enfants », a dit le porte-parole du HCDH, Rupert Colville.
Aujourd’hui, les blessés ne peuvent pas être évacués, et ceux qui essayent de fuir risquent leur vie.
Nous demandons que :
- Les parties au conflit autorisent les civils, s’ils le souhaitent, à quitter la ville sans restriction et en toute sécurité, et que leur évacuation soit facilitée.
- Un accès humanitaire soit garanti pour que l’aide dont ont besoin les civils puisse être acheminée.
- Les bombardements cessent.
- Des observateurs puissent assurer le respect des droits humains et du droit international humanitaire.
Nous vous appelons à venir nombreux pour exprimer votre solidarité avec les civils d’Alep.
Ils appellent au rassemblent :
- Amnesty International France
- CCFD - Terre Solidaire
- Collectif pour une Syrie libre et démocratique
- Souria Houria
Lien :
In English, read also from Amnesty:
Civilians fleeing fighting in Aleppo earlier today © Stringer/AFP/Getty Images
Lien :
In English, read also from Amnesty:

Aleppo: reports of execution-style killings point to war crimes
Urgent call for independent monitors to ensure civilian protection and humanitarian access for life-saving aid
World has looked on as Aleppo has been ‘transformed into a mass grave’ - Lynn Maalouf
Shocking reports from the United Nations that scores of civilians have been extrajudicially executed by advancing Syrian government forces in eastern Aleppo point to apparent war crimes, said Amnesty International. Amnesty is making an urgent plea for all parties to the conflict to protect the civilian population.
The UN human rights office said it had reliable evidence that up to 82 civilians were shot on the spot by government and allied forces who entered their homes, or at gunpoint in the streets, over the past few hours.
Lynn Maalouf, Research Deputy Director at Amnesty International’s Beirut office, said:
“The reports that civilians - including children - are being massacred in cold blood in their homes by Syrian government forces are deeply shocking but not unexpected, given their conduct to date. Such extrajudicial executions would amount to war crimes.“Throughout the conflict Syrian government forces, backed by Russia, have repeatedly displayed a callous disregard for international humanitarian law and utter disdain for the fate of civilians. In fact, they have regularly targeted civilians as a strategy, both during military operations and through the mass-scale use of arbitrary detention, disappearances and torture and other ill-treatment.“As government forces gain full control of eastern Aleppo the risk that they will commit further atrocities raises grave fears for thousands of civilians still trapped.“In recent months the world, including the UN Security Council, has watched from the side-lines as civilians have been slaughtered on a daily basis and eastern Aleppo has been flattened and transformed into a mass grave. The global inaction in the face of such inhumanity is shameful. The lack of accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity has allowed the parties, particularly government forces, to commit such crimes on a mass scale.“It is now crucial that independent monitors are deployed to ensure that the civilian population is protected and that humanitarian access is granted so that life-saving aid can reach all those in need.”
At present those injured cannot be evacuated and those trying to flee are risking their lives. Amnesty is calling for all parties to the conflict to allow civilians wishing to flee the fighting to be granted safe passage to leave the area. As government forces advanced in recent weeks, civilians in eastern Aleppo told Amnesty they feared revenge attacks. Last week the UN reported that hundreds of men and boys went missing from government-controlled areas.
Lynn Maalouf added:
“Amnesty International has previously highlighted the Syrian government’s widespread and systematic use of enforced disappearance to attack the civilian population in what has amounted to crimes against humanity. It is crucial that independent monitors are deployed to prevent further enforced disappearances, torture and other ill-treatment.”
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