
First partial results in South Africa

With results in from 42.1% of polling stations, the ANC had garnered 42.7% of votes in Wednesday's poll.

It won 57.5% of votes in 2019.

Were that trend to hold, the ANC would likely struggle to cobble together a majority through alliances with small parties, leaving it a potential choice between three bitter rivals:

-The partial results released by the electoral commission put the pro-business Democratic Alliance (DA) in second place on 23.6%.

-uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK), a new party led by former president Jacob Zuma, was at 10% and eating into ANC support, particularly in KwaZulu-Natal - his home province and a traditional stronghold of the ruling party.

-The radical left Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) are currently the third biggest party in parliament, on 9.5%.


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