

What a horrible start of the day...

I woke up so happy. I had such a wonderful summer, an amazing start of the autumn.
Yet, the world, darling, the world is in turmoil.
I know we're uncovering truth and putting an end to a lot of dysfunctional behaviour but it hurts in the meantime.

Turkey has attacked Syria in order to get read of their Kurdish enemy and the government of the US of A totally let the latest down.

Now here we are referred to as "illegal immigrants" potentially facing DEPORTATION in our own country:

EU nationals lacking settled status could be deported, minister says


When I was a teenager, I was traumatised by the stories of the Second World War. I couldn't began to accept what had happen. Then I started having this crippling fear that it would happen again.

It never left me. Probably because there are so many unspoken stories of forced displacement in my family, so much colonial violence who destroyed and killed so many relatives. Uncles of mine. Cousins, family, neighbours, my mother's older sister also died during the "decolonial" war in the early 1960s, of a striking disease. She would have been my aunt.

Now, I don't feel at home in the country where I was born, I feel at home in the country I live in, but the government now wants me "deported".

I know I have to keep on working, writing. But it's not easy.

I think of this British journalist who wrote a column saying she was depressed by the news. And she's not even reporting on conflicts or deportation. Let alone facing them herself...

How are we supposed to keep on? Find the strength?

We have to, though, we do.


Instead, we could change this government and protect people's right. 

See my previous post, and the work of the 3 Million.

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