
Free, brainstorming, interviewing, discussing and writing

Intense days of that sort of freelance life... 

Today I started writing that feature on the most politically aware artist I’ve ever interviewed, more on Alfredo Jaar and his Rwandan project '25 Years Later' currently shown in London soon!

A single gaze... 

Two amazing pieces


Then I went to another meeting about music, culture and world history. Promising. 

Later in the afternoon, I recorded a phone interview with a sociologist on Brexit, citizenships and what’s wrong with out current society... 

All this between replying to dozens of emails, noticing who didn’t bother to reply... Tends to be the same persons. Maybe busy themselves, maybe we just cannot find the right way to communicate?

And still brainstorming about feminism, gender, inequality and resistance. More than ever. 

Maybe, or surely, because of that deeply moving talk by Iranian photographer Amak Mahmoodian, held yesterday at the Martin Parr Foundation. More on her soon too, in 2020. 

Images don’t reflect reality, do they? As we discussed with Alfredo last week.

Yet they rule our world, and oh darlings how do I love photography... 

Images of my day, at least, don't reflect my reality. Maybe there is something to do about this, indeed. Here they are though...

Bristol in wintery December 2019:

A decade is ending, and do I know if all of this is really, deeply useful? I hope so, as an eternal melancholic optimist...

One thing is certain though, I couldn't be doing any of this without music! 

So here is one for you, en français:

Hindi Zahra - 'Un Jour' - Live @ Les Contes du Paris Perché

Talk to you soon.

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