Terrible night in the States of America...
I can't believe the citizens made and let that happen. It makes me feel so angry. This is where a society goes when its voters are irresponsible, most of his people uneducated and a large part of the population disenfranchised...
I worked in the US in 2008, was based in Florida during the Obama / McCain campaign and following mainly the situation of the Caribbean and hispanic, largely Cuban, population. It was by far the most segregated place I have ever visited in a western country. No progress had been made by then. And we're talking about the "richest" nation in the world. Rich in What? I don't know any more...
Last year, I travelled to Iraq, to go to interview doctors based in Kurdistan and helping displaced people in the region of Mosul. And since then, I could not go to the US unless checked and screened. I could be a threat for this safe haven... Who started the war on Iraq, let's recall it!
Anyway, I had already travelled to Somalia in 2011 and 12...
Last night ban of refugees fleeing the horror of wars is unbearable. We must act, but only American citizens can act. They should have acted by voting and before that by defending education... But now that it's done, and that Donald Trump is the elected and acting president, they will have to find other ways to act!
I wrote my book about Bristol because the city shows my perception of an ideal form of society, where differences make us richer, where the culture gives back to a population that was belittled its true place in history. I still pray for it to be an example despite the current horror and chaos.
You can read here, if you read French:
Avec En dehors de la zone de confort – De Massive Attack à Banksy, la journaliste Melissa Chemam a récemment consacré un ouvrage aux artistes qui ont fait de Bristol l’une des villes d’Europe les plus foisonnantes en matière culturelle.
A travers le parcours du groupe Massive Attack et de son leader Robert Del Naja, alias 3D (surtout), mais aussi du street artiste Banksy, et de ceux qui les ont précédés ou accompagnés, elle met en lumière une création artistique singulière qui raconte un pan de la société britannique et une cité à l’histoire aussi riche que mouvementée.
Du punk au trip-hop en passant par le reggae, Bristol la rebelle a révolutionné la musique en mettant sur le devant de la scène une histoire de la colonisation avec un état d’esprit militant.
Or listen here in English:
Being in England this week, I accepted BBC Radio Bristol's invitation to be on their Saturday morning show, with Dr Phil Hammond, to talk about my book :)
We mainly talked about the role of music in social change, from Patti Smith to Occupy London, and of course of Massive Attack.
Massive Attack in Bristol around 1990
Let's remember Europe gave birth to the USA and we have a strong link, so we cannot remain apathetic We also have a lot of issues to deal with in our own democracies. Brexit will remain a test for us all. let's remain committed and concerned, informed and let's discuss with each other. Be open, mingle, accept, be tolerant and respectful...
This is why I keep on doing this work, despite the appalling state of the media...
Thanks to everyone who came yesterday at the Folies d'encre bookstore in Saint-Ouen, Seine-Saint-Denis (93). It was warm and friendly! I'm feeling blessed!!
One love everyone.
Massive Attack feat. Horace Andy
- 'One Love'
Massive Attack - 'Eurochild'
(Live @ rock en seine ) 2016
"Against radicalism and extremism"
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