
Raoul Peck appelle le Président haïtien Jovenel Moïse à ne pas soutenir la candidature du Qatar à la tête de l'UNESCO

L'UNESCO vote ce jeudi pour remplacer Irina Bokova à la tête de l'organisation Onusienne.

Le Qatari Hamad bin Abdulaziz al-Kawari et la Française Audrey Azoulay sont en tête des votes pour lui succéder.

Un message de Raoul Peck, ancien ministre de la Culture d'Haïti : 

Raoul Peck
43 mins

Dans le cadre des élections à la direction générale de l’UNESCO, les autorités haïtiennes auraient apporté leur voix au candidat Qatari. 

Les tractations diplomatiques et arrangements géopolitiques ne peuvent occulter le fait que le Qatar reste un État suspecté de violations massives des droits humains à l'encontre de sa population et de travailleurs migrants.

Ce positionnement est aux antipodes des valeurs que promeut l’UNESCO qui se veulent humanistes et universalistes. 

Il serait par conséquent regrettable qu’Haïti qui lutte encore pour l’égalité, la liberté et la démocratie confie sa voix à un État qui maltraite si souvent ces idéaux.
Je demande donc solennellement au Président Jovenel Moïse de ne pas soutenir la candidature du Qatar.


In the context of the election of the UNESCO’s director-general post, the Haitian authorities have apparently given their voice to the Qatari candidate. 

Diplomatic negotiations and geopolitical arrangements can not overshadow the fact that Qatar remains a state suspected of massive human rights violations against its population and migrant workers.

This positioning is at the very opposite of the values ​​promoted by UNESCO which are humanistic and universalist.

It would therefore be regrettable that Haiti, which still struggles for equality, freedom and democracy, entrusts its voice to a State, which so often mistreats these ideals.

I therefore solemnly ask President Jovenel Moïse not to support the candidacy of Qatar.

Raoul Peck 


Hamad bin Abdulaziz al-Kawari and Audrey Azoulay -- both former culture ministers -- win 18 votes apiece in battle to replace outgoing director-general Irina Bokova


PARIS – 12 October 2017: Egypt’s candidate for UNESCO’s director-general post, Moushira Khattab obtained 18 votes in the fourth round of the voting process on Thursday, to be equaled with France’s candidate, while Qatar’s amassed 22 votes, according to Egypt Today's reporter in Paris. 

The board will cast a voting between Egyptian and French candidates early Friday to determine which will run for the fifth round of elections with Qatar's Kawari. 

Earlier on Thursday, Lebanese UNESCO director-general candidate, Vera Khouri (four votes), announced her withdrawal from the race in favor of the Egyptian candidate, just as the Chinese candidate Qian Tang (five votes) did too. 

Pham Sanh Chau of Vietnam withdrew before the third round. The first round was held Monday, and the second was held on Wednesday where Azerbaijan's nominee had withdrawn.  

The winning candidate must obtain 30 votes. 

The new director-general of UNESCO will be named on October 13. Then, 195 members in the General Conference will be appointed in view of recommendations from UNESCO’s Executive Board. 

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