
Painting: Discovering Bruce Clarke

"L'identité n'est pas une donnée rigide et immuable, elle est fluide, c'est un processus toujours en devenir, par lequel on s'éloigne continuellement de ses origines, comme le fils quitte la maison de ses parents et on y retourne par la pensée et le sentiment ; c'est quelque chose qui se perd et qui se renouvelle, dans un mouvement incessant de dépaysement et de retour. Une patrie et une identité ne peuvent pas se posséder comme on possède une propriété."

Claudio Magris, Utopie et désenchantement, 2002, p. 92

"Identity is not a fixed unmoving fact; it is fluid, a processes always in process by which one is continually making a distance between oneself and ones beginnings, in the same ay as the son leaves home and only returns through thoughts and feelings; it is something that gets lost and then is renewed in an incessant movement of change and return. A home-country or and identity cannot be owned in the way one owns property."
Important statement found on Bruce Clarke's website:

Living (detail)

Born 1959, in London, his parents having recently emigrated from South Africa, Bruce Clarke Studied Fine Arts, Leeds University, Great Britain. Visual artist and photographer, based in Paris, he has exhibited in France and abroad since 1989.

See his work here:

'Daily Violence':

'Working Time':


And more here: http://www.bruce-clarke.com/page/gallery

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